Thursday, September 18, 2014

Interlocking Chevron Lace Scarf Free Pattern

Interlocking Chevron Lace Scarf
photo 2 (3).JPGphoto 5 (1).JPG  photo 4 (2).JPG
This pattern contains knit togethers, yarn overs, the right twist stitch, and the backwards loop cast on method. It is a 20 row repeat that is fairly simple once done a few times.

Finished Measurements
Width: Approximately 9 inches
Length: Knit until desired length
To make scarf wider or narrower you can use larger or smaller yarn or needles, or add or subtract multiples of 20 stitches and changing the number of times you repeat the lace pattern. To make scarf longer or shorter, simply knit until you are happy with the length.

-For my scarf I used Peaches and Cream worsted, 4-ply, 100% cotton yarn, in the color Ivy League. My scarf used about 400 g, or 700 yards, but this will change depending on the length of your scarf.
-You will also need two needles, either straight, or double pointed. Or, you can use a long circular needle, which is how mine was made. My needles were 4.5 mm.

5 stitches/7 rows = 1 inch, approximately. Gauge is by no means crucial, and will vary with yarn and needle size.

k = knit 1 stitch
p = purl 1 stitch
k2tog = knit two stitches together
ssk = slip two stitches knitwise, knit together through the back loop
yo = yarn over
a = right twist
b = cast on two stitches using the backwards loop method

Written Instructions
Cast on 48 stitches, or in multiples of 20 + 8
Row 1 (ws): Purl until last three stitches, slip the last three stitches purlwise
Row 2 (rs): k7, (k2tog, b, ssk, k6) until last 11 stitches , k2tog, b, ssk, k4, slip 3 purlwise
Row 3: For this row and all wrong side rows, repeat row 1
Row 4: k6, (k2tog, yo, k2, yo, ssk, k4) until last 12 stitches, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, ssk, k3, slip three purlwise
Row 6: k5, (k2tog, yo, k4, yo, ssk, k2) until last 13 stitches, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, ssk, k2, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 8: k4, (k2tog, yo, k6, yo, ssk) until last 4 stitches, k1, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 10: k3, a, (k8, a) until last three stitches, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 12: k3, a, (k2, k2tog, b, ssk, k2, a) until last three stitches, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 14: k3, a, (k1, k2tog, yo, a, yo, ssk, k1, a) until last three stitches, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 16: k3, a, (k2tog, yo, k1, a, k1, yo, ssk, a) until last three stitches, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 18: k4, (k2tog, yo, k2, a, k2, yo, ssk) until last four stitches, k1, slip three stitches purlwise
Row 20: k8, a, (k8, a) until last 8 stitches, k5, slip three stitches purlwise

Repeat row 1-20 until desired length. End on a wrong side row, bind off, weave in your ends, and viola, you have a nice new scarf. Block if desired.

Chart Instructions
Work chart from right to left.
Prep row (ws): Purl until last three stitches, slip the last three stitches purlwise
Repeat this row after every completed row of chart, and end on this row. When you have reached your desired length, bind off, weave in ends, and show your new scarf to all your jealous friends. Block if desired.
chart (21).gif

This is my second pattern, and I hope that you like it. If you have any questions, suggestions, or other comments, feel free to email me at

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